Friday, September 22, 2006


My brother is about to start on UCCF's Relay programme - a ten month discipleship and training scheme based in York. Matt will be partnering with the Christian Union at York, getting involved in their various events (main meetings, Bible study groups, evangelistic and discipleship courses and our annual mission week to name but a few), serving either in a leadership capacity (at Christianity Explored, for example) or in more practical ways, such as organising outreach events. Matt will also be available to meet up one-to-one with male students for Bible studies and discipleship opportunities.

The year is entirely self-financed - UCCF estimate his expenses will be £600 per month, so £6000 in total.

I'm intending to do some fundraising in the next few months - in the meantime if you're interested in supporting Matt in any way (whether by prayer or finance or both), please comment on this post and I'll send you some details.


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