Sunday, May 14, 2006


Very sorry for lack of updates over the last few weeks. Things have been very busy. Let me fill you in on a few things to be thankful for and a few prayer points:

- Prayer meetings are still really encouraging, still being well attended and are happening in Oxford colleges too. Pray for a continued reliance on God in our evangelism and daily lives.

- Friday lunchtime Big Issues talks have been great so far this term, with the gospel explained clearly and faithfully. Please pray that more non-Christians would come to these, it's great that Christians are coming to help them answer their friends questions, but it would be even better if all of us would be bold and invite our friends along.

- College groups have started well. Give thanks for a series of evangelism training seminars that happened last Wednesday, and pray for a Contagious Christian course that our UCCF staffworker is running over the next few weeks. The course will help people to communicate their faith in a style that fits them.

- Please pray for our pub quiz, Friday 19th May. Tim Guest is giving a short talk. Pray for tickets to continue to sell.

Thanks again for your prayers.


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