Saturday, April 08, 2006

Word Alive

I've just returned from Spring Harvest Word Alive in Skegness. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a 5-day Christian festival, bringing together God's people from all kinds of different churches. Kent Hughes (author of Disclipines of a Godly Man) did the main Bible readings, and evening speakers included Richard Cunningham, Vaughan Roberts, Roger Carswell and Nigel Benyon. There was a student programme and it was wonderfully encouraging to look around and see 2000+ students praising God and listening to his Word!

I would ask you to pray for a similar scene in Oxford this year; students gathering in their masses and standing together in the gospel, encouraging each other, supporting each other in prayer and a "we're all in it together" feeling. We are united as brothers and sisters in Christ, but pray that this unity would work itself out in reality.

Please also pray for practicalities: we are currently seeking venues for our central meetings and houseparty and are receiving some "No" answers. Pray that we would trust in God's provision for these, and that He would make somewhere available.


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